Friday, August 11, 2006

And I...I Took The One Less Travelled By

Is it so hard to actually pat someone on the back and say: "hey! you're doing a pretty good job!"
Well I guess it is, for some people, while for others it is all they know how to do...
I once lashed out in a fit of hormonal imbalance that the world would never be fit for me, I was too nice for it, and the rest of the bullcrap commonly associated with me. But what I apparently keep forgetting is that once I'm out there, I'm all alone. My demons are mine to bear, and my woes should not concern anyone else, they all have too many of their own, why add mine to that great sag?
But then again, one too many times have I held a sobbing shaking soul, broken down to boot, yelling their anguish out into my ear...
I held the phone to my ear, I read it off the screen, I made myself come to terms with the fact that, yes, you may continue to give more than you can, but the devils they harbour are never going to leave them alone, and if you carry on being the beast you are being, you might one day, become one of these demons.
So the million dollar question: What do I do?

I? I take the road less travelled by, and that will make all the difference...

Yes, once again, I end up letting you go do as you please, while I cling on for dear life, never once pondering what is to become of me, should I lose my grip on the slippery handle I so firmly chose to cling on to...


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